Can-Am Cars, Ltd.

Can-Am Cars, Ltd.

Race car specialists and source for hard to find parts. Whether you are searching for a historically significant race car or the latest in motorsport technology Can Am Cars, Ltd can assist.   As collectors, restorers, and racers since the 1960’s they are passionate about all things motorsport.  Can Am Cars consistently has a large inventory of available race cars at their facilities in St. Louis, MO USA.  They welcome clients and visitors “By Appointment”.  Over their 40 years in business Can Am Cars, Ltd has amassed a huge selection of hard to find race car parts, transaxles, and engines.  They specialize in transaxles by Hewland, (LG, DG, VG) Weissman, ZF and have an extensive inventory of replacement parts.   They source cars and parts from all over the globe so if you are looking for something not found on their website, please call or email them with your needs

825 Wheelwright Drive, St. Louis, MO 63021 USA
Tel: +1 636 227 3959