The lobby is familiar – cases of carburettor memorabilia, from a Merlin V12’s mighty twin-choke downdraught to an early petrol pump – but, on entering a magical portal from Burlen Ltd, we are in J40 land.
Here, racks of completed pedal cars and others waiting for rebuilds bookend a workshop devoted to making them well again.
The J40 story begins with compassion: these cars were built in an Austin factory in Bargoed from 1949-’71, to provide Welsh government-subsidised employment and welfare for disabled coal miners suffering from pneumoconiosis.

Genuine project cars are stockpiled for rebuilding
Styled after the then-current 1948 Austin A40 Devon, the ‘Junior 40s’ (or Joy 40s: no one’s quite sure, so watch out for the forthcoming book) were made from welded sheet steel, which originally came from offcuts from the larger production items made at Longbridge.
Each had working headlights and horn, plus a printed instrument panel; the bonnet opens to reveal a representation of an engine with real spark plugs; and the opening boot is functional.
The pedals adjust for reach and there’s working steering, plus a brake – a simple contracting strap-wrapped drum – operated via a lever.